It has been a pleasant day for SMH, Monday, September 26, 2022. As we marked ...
SMH recently managed the successful completion of critical site PE-Extruder shutdown with short period notice. ...
SMH Company focused on the protection of Health and Safety of employees and the Environment. ...
SABIC Technical Conference 2020 held its 13th edition last 17th up to the 20th of ...
One of the company’s important client Saudi Kayan once again recognized the highly-experienced technical competency ...
Yes Yem Yech Industrial Services Co., Ltd. has always been committed to the safety of ...
The National Industrial Gases Co. (GAS – a SABIC Affiliate) awarded a Certificate of Appreciation ...
SMH Technical Service Center celebrates its 6th year anniversary last 13th of January 2019, attended ...
Another great pride for SMH Industrial Services Company Ltd. to be recognized for the outstanding ...