4 September 2023 is a significant date for SMH company after obtaining the official license ...
A very fruitful year for SMH as we have already completed several successful projects in ...
SMH Manufacturing offers our advanced technology facility and support which will open a lot of ...
SMH Industrial Services Company Ltd. didn’t missed the recognition of Saudi Chevron Philipps for the ...
SMH goal set out how to implement short, targeted periods of maintenance with effective planning ...
It has been a pleasant day for SMH, Monday, September 26, 2022. As we marked ...
SMH recently managed the successful completion of critical site PE-Extruder shutdown with short period notice. ...
SMH take care of Misc activities belonging to Both Lines of Extruder in PP plant ...
SMH Industrial Services Company has vast experience in executing Planned Major Turnarounds for National Industrialization ...
Handling Arrazi Plant Turnaround is never new to SMH, it is our 7th Turnaround/Shutdown. However, ...