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Satorp Certificate of Appreciation for the Successful 2023 Turnaround

SMH Company reached another milestone in our professional journey, after the completion of Satorp first project for Compressor, Turbines and Oregon Gearbox

The gratitude for all SMH team’s hard work, dedication, and commitment to excellence who played a significant role in ensuring the successful shutdown and turnaround of our operations. The level of collaboration, resilience, and professionalism exhibited by all SMH employees throughout this challenging period has been truly remarkable.

Completing this shutdown without the supervision of the Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) was no small feat, and it is a testament of SMH team members’ collective capabilities and expertise. Despite the absence of their guidance, SMH technical experts came together as a team, utilizing the individual strengths and working hand in hand, to overcome every obstacle and achieve our objectives.

SMH immensely proud to announce that our efforts did not go unnoticed. We have received our first appreciation certificate from Satorp last December 20, 2023 headed by Director General Mr. Mohammed Shabeer and General Manager for Operations Mr. Ragurahman, a recognition that serves as a testament to our exceptional performance and unwavering commitment to excellence. This achievement would not have been possible without SMH team’s relentless dedication, innovative thinking, and exceptional teamwork.

It is moments like these that remind everyone working in SMH and involved why we chose this profession and reaffirm our belief in our collective ability to achieve greatness. The team’s unwavering determination and relentless pursuit of excellence have set a new standard and have positioned us as a force to be reckoned with in our industry.

As we celebrate this significant achievement and bask in the glory of everyone’s success, it is important to acknowledge that this is just the beginning. SMH journey is far from over, and there are many more challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. SMH management has no doubt that, with the same level of commitment and enthusiasm, SMH will continue to scale new heights and set new benchmarks for us.

Once again, SMH Management would like to express sincere appreciation to everyone in SMH. The hard work, resilience, and unwavering dedication have made this achievement possible. It is an honor and privilege for SMH company to have an incredible team, and SMH looks forward to the exciting possibilities that await us in the future.

Thank you, team members, for your exceptional contributions and for proving that together, we can overcome any challenge.

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